Meaning of some words Paraguay: it is related a native tribe Payagua that lived on the river banks of the river
Uruguay: uru-river ("the river of the uru bird"), uru is a common noun of a spot-winged wood-quail) Odontophorus capueira
Argentina: female name after Argentum, silver in Latin
Parana: native language that means like the sea or as big as the sea
Itaipu: the stone that sings
Y-guazu: big water
Average flow of the Iguassu Falls is 60,034 (cubic ft) / s
Amount: square km 1
Equals: square miles 0.386102
Amount: 1 m3 / s
Equals: 35.3146667 (cubic ft) / s
Amount: 1 cubic meter per second (m3/sec of flow rate)
Equals: 35.31 cubic feet per second (cu ft/sec / flow rate)
Amount: 1 meter
Equals: 3.28084 feet