Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay
Approximately 23 kilometers from Iguassu Falls, the same waters that flow through the largest series of waterfalls on the Planet create another sight when flowing into the Parana River. The Iguassu and the Parana Rivers mark the borders between Brazil, Argentina and Paraguay. Each of these countries has built a stone and cement obelisk on its territory painted with the colors of their respective flags. From this landmark one has a panoramic view of each of the three countries.
See the Three Borders from the sky:
click here.
There are new facilities including also the Cabeza de Vaca restaurant at the 3 borders on the Brazilian side.
Location: Brazilian side
Travel distance: 6 km (4 miles) from the center of the city of Iguassu Falls
Open: Daily 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.