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Feb, 17/2025
(GMT -3)


Coopavel Rural Show 
Technical Agro-bussines Exhibition in Brazil
Technical Agro-bussines Exhibition in Brazil
click to enlargeWe are inviting you to visit the best technical agro-business event in Brazil - the Coopavel Rural or Show Rural Coopavel - which will be held every year in February. For more information visit: showrural.com.br
click to enlargeLocation The Agro-business show will be held in the countryside at a site near Cascavel City, 175 km - 109 miles from Iguassu Falls City (Foz do Iguacu). The best way to get there from Iguassu is by car or van. There are also flights from Curitiba.
click to enlargePurpose Its main purpose is to contribute to the development and modernization of the Brazilian farming and cattle raising industries and to show ways to improve living conditions in the field and longevity in this business. Throughout the course of the COOPAVEL Rural Show, new production technologies will be demonstrated so that you will be able to apply them to your business. They can transform your activities into more lucrative business, which in turn will offer greater profits and family well-being. Come with an open mind and be determined to learn, because there you will find many new ideas, practical examples and knowledge that can be transformed into real results.
click to enlargeGeneral information The COOPAVEL Rural Show is the biggest event of its kind in presentation and diversity. The event will include: 5.000 experiments, technical presentations with practical demonstrations, 3.500 involved professionals, a show of agricultural implement and machine models, presentation of new agricultural implements and machines and introduction of agronomic products, by-products and/or defensive products.
click to enlargeAgriculture and animal production in Brazil Dynamic agriculture: Experiments in the cultivation of soybeans, corn, cotton, beans, sunflowers and alternative tillage will be demonstrated; cattle raising alternatives: animal genetics, lectures and demonstrations; hog production: the activities presented in the hog breeding sector embrace the whole raising process, with practical demonstrations and handling of animals; poultry farming: in this area, the best poultry farming equipment will be on display with the participation of manufacturers in the sector.
click to enlargeInteresting opportunities in agro-business in Brazil During the COOPAVEL Rural Show many alternatives that the producer can use to diversify his business and guarantee new sources of income will be presented. In addition to a great deal of knowledge about new cultivation, visitors will also find cultural activities and economical information.
click to enlargeThe COOPAVEL Rural Show will enjoy the participation of many companies, representing the following sectors: Agricultural Machines, Agricultural by-products and Veterinary Products. There will be daily machine dynamics and implement demonstrations. Research and extension in Brazil - Research and Rural Extension firms will be on-hand to show their technology in the field through presentations and publications. To find more info about the Technical Agro-business exhibition log on the official web site: http://www.showrural.com.br

Fishing in Iguassu Falls for DouradoCoopavel Rural Show

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