Full moon in the Iguassu National Park
Every month, for 4 days when the moon is full, if the weather conditions are good, there are full moon excursions to see the falls under the moonlight. The starting point is at the entrance to the Argentina National Park. Be aware, because if one misses the last bus at the exit of the park, will be without transportation. There are buses running from Puerto Iguazu town to the park.
We can organize a package including transportation and tour ticket but it is also possible to buy the ticket using this website:
https://tickets.iguazuargentina.com/en/luna_llena.php and show up at the park for the tour. Enjoy your tour!
Location: Iguassu National Park, Argentina
Approximate time: 2 and half hours (not including travel time to the park)
Departure time: 7:45 p.m., 8:30 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. at the central train station